This Woman’s Photo Shoot Went Viral, Sending An Empowering Message to All Who See It

Nowadays the internet is laden with air brushed images of angelically perfect fashion models. Rarely do we see images that demonstrate the genuine emotion of the human connection.

When Stephanie and Arryn, an engaged couple, volunteered for a boudoir photo shoot with her friend Bria Terry, photography of Wolf & Rose Photography. The results are pretty stunning. Although we’ve seen countless photographs on the internet, these ones captured the admiration of internet viewers and the photographs went viral!


Wolf & Rose Photography


There might be a few reasons why these photographs “won the internet.” Stephanie is plus size, an unusual sight for a model in a sexy photograph in this day and age. They are also a little risque, as Stephanie is topless. But we think the photographs have received a mountain of attention because of the couple themselves.


Wolf & Rose Photography


Stephanie and Arryn display a truly genuine connection. They are confident and their chemistry is off the charts! The photographs are, frankly, gorgeous in their composition. Best of all, they set forth a body positive message, breaking our expectations in the greatest ways.


Wolf & Rose Photography


Stephanie reflected on how being outside of the cliche model’s body image has affected her self-esteem. “I remember being in junior high and looking at myself in the mirror, wondering why my stomach wasn’t the way it was ‘supposed’ to be … I push myself out of my comfort zone by wearing clothes that I love but aren’t in society’s mold of what is acceptable for bigger women, like crop tops, tight shirts, shorter dresses and shorts. I walk around with my head high, smiling, and show no shame in myself.”

When she finally saw the results of the photo shoot, she was more than pleased. “I honestly have never felt more attractive,” she said. “I was so nervous to see the final result. I didn’t know what to expect. But when I saw the album, I was shocked. I look so in love and confident. Every person should be able to see themselves in that light. It is really eye-opening.”

Stephanie and Arryn are planning to get married in early 2019. Arryn is one lucky man!









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