
27-Year-Old Woman Dying Of Cancer Leaves A Stunning Letter That We All Need To Read

Holly Butcher was a 27-year-old Australian woman who was battling Ewing’s sarcoma, a very rare form of cancer, affecting mostly young people. Four days into the new year Holly lost her battle with cancer, but not without leaving her mark on the world.




Looking at her sincere smile, beautiful face, adventurous aspect, it is hard to imagine she was battling such a difficult illness.

From Grafton, New South Wales in Australia, Holly never planned to be ill in her twenties, nor to say goodbye to the people she loved, but when the time came she handled it with grace and wisdom.

Realizing she was nearing her end, Holly Butcher wrote a message, one she asked her family to post on her Facebook account once she had passed on.




The letter speaks for itself. The letter begins with Holly writing this:

It’s a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young. It’s just one of those things you ignore. The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming; Until the unexpected happens. I always imagined myself growing old, wrinkled and grey- most likely caused by the beautiful family (lots of kiddies) I planned on building with the love of my life. I want that so bad it hurts.

That’s the thing about life; It is fragile, precious and unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right.

I’m 27 now. I don’t want to go. I love my life. I am happy.. I owe that to my loved ones. But the control is out of my hands.




Holly goes on to explain how hard it is to have to give up control, knowing she wants to live so badly but not being able to. She expresses how important gratitude is. She writes:

You might have got caught in bad traffic today, or had a bad sleep because your beautiful babies kept you awake, or your hairdresser cut your hair too short. Your new fake nails might have got a chip, your boobs are too small, or you have cellulite on your arse and your belly is wobbling.

Let all that shit go.. I swear you will not be thinking of those things when it is your turn to go. It is all SO insignificant when you look at life as a whole. I’m watching my body waste away right before my eyes with nothing I can do about it and all I wish for now is that I could have just one more Birthday or Christmas with my family, or just one more day with my partner and dog. Just one more.


Holly details all the silly things we spend too much of our precious time worrying about, and the things we should take the time to experience and appreciate.

Near the end of the letter, she writes, Anyway, that’s just this one young gals life advice. Take it or leave it, I don’t mind!

So take a moment to read the FULL LETTER, and feel the sense of gratitude and love of life Holly has shared with us.


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