
Best Dad Ever Performs Hilarious Dance and Lip-Sync To “Single Ladies” That Will Leave You Howling!

Let’s just go ahead and give all those dad’s out there, who go above and beyond to support their daughters, a big round of applause. We’ve got a great example for you!



This is Steve Haddad of Monroe, Michigan, and he is one confident man! Steve recently appeared in a Christmas video with his daughters, with all three of them performing a dance and lyp-sync contest to Beyonce’s hit song “Single Ladies.” The video, posted by his wife Tina Spadaro Haddad, has blown up, going viral with over 31 million views! As Tina wrote on Facebook, “You asked you received……Haddad Lip Sync contest. Stay back girls he’s all mine!!! #BESTDAD #Beyonce #allthesingleladies #christmaslipsync”



The Haddad family holds a family lip-sync contest and Steve’s daughters really wanted to enter this year. Steve told reporters that it took a couple of weeks for his daughters to convince him to do the performance in a black leotard, to match what Beyonce and her dancers wore in the original music video. As Tina recalled, “The girls were trying to come up with a brilliant idea to beat the competition which in this family it’s tough.” She was the once who actually put the idea of the “Single Ladies” video to the trio. “I threw out the Beyonce single ladies video. The girls BEGGED him and because he loves to make us laugh, through much nagging on our part he agreed,” said Tina. Not only did he make Tina laugh, but the house guests in the video can be heard absolutely howling in laughter as Steve does his dance.

It goes without saying that Steve and the girls won first place.


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