This Couple Received A Sentimental and Meaningful Wedding Gift From Strangers

Chuck and Mary’s wedding plans were, happily, going just as planned. The joyous day was approaching and the couple couldn’t wait to become man and wife. And then they received a mysterious package.



Chuck was waiting for Mary to arrive home, so they could open it together. The Indiana couple opened the letter first, but didn’t recognize who it was from. “We opened it, and he started reading that letter, and as he started reading, I just got chills and goose bumps all over,” Mary told reporters at WFIE.

The following act of kindness will leave you with chills, too.

“He kept reading… and I was just shocked.”



The Felker family, complete strangers from La Crosse, Wisconsin, are the ones who sent the letter and gift. It turns out that their late parents were also named Chuck and Mary. The Felkers had completed a Google search for “Chuck and Mary engagement notice” and had come upon Chuck Neese and Mary Hall’s engagement annoucenment. The Indiana couple’s wedding was scheduled for January 20th.

The letter also told the story of the Felker’s late parents, how much they were loved, and how much they are missed. Chuck and Mary were married for 62 years. The Felkers wanted to pass along this special gift.



The gift was a pair of vintage glasses, engraved with Let me dance with you forever, Mary & Chuck.

On top of this amazing and thoughtful present, Mary Hall noticed that the glasses had been sent in a Converse shoe box. It turns out that Mary Hall and her bridesmaids were planning on wearing Converse shoes under their dresses! The coincidence is incredible.



Mary and Chuck have a daughter named Lily, and now they say that when she gets married, they are going to send the glasses onto another couple of the same name. How heartwarming, this story of two families connected by the past and the future, and most of all by love.

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