
Heartbreaking Video Of A Young Boy Pleading To Be Left Alone By Bullies Has Gone Viral

Celebrities are rushing to comfort a boy from the Knoxville-area in Tennesee who recently shared his hardships from bullying in a Facebook video that went viral.

Keaton’s mother posted this video of him asking bullies “Why do they pick on people that are different?”. His video went viral and now has everyone from the average person to celebrities coming out to support him.

Actor Chris Evans who stars as Captian America in the hit movie Avengers posted a tweet after he heard what happened. He wrote,

” Stay Strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year?”

Along with talk show host Dr. Phil, who offered to visit Jones at school and eat lunch with him anytime, he needed company. Demi Lovato and the president’s son Donald Trump Junior have also expressed their support.

Being bullied or witnessing bullying is upsetting, and standing up to bullying can feel impossible. It may sound hard, but there are many ways you can help stop bullying. According to Dosomething.org, more than 3 million students are victims of bullying each year, and over 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. So clearly, Keaton is not alone. Not by a long shot. I’m so incredibly proud of this young man for speaking out about his experience. I hope he sees this outpouring of love and support, and that Keaton’s video inspires kindness across the nation toward anyone who might be different.






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