
Son Gives His Sick Mom A Life Changing Letter on Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Day, David Hernandez, one of five son’s of Elva Hernandez, posted a very special video message on Facebook.



David’s mother Elva has been suffering from kidney failure for six years. The disease has progressed and she has spent four hours several times a week in dialysis, which cleanses and purifies her blood. It is an exhausting process and the disease has taken a toll on Elva, who has grown weaker and weaker.




So David made a Facebook video of the moments he presents her with a very special letter, in which he tells her that he is a match as an organ donation for her, and will be donating one of his kidneys to her! David is hoping his mother will live long enough to enjoy her grandchildren and the lives they will lead in the future.

“I didn’t think, not even once, that my son was going to give me a kidney,” Elva told CBS. “When I opened it, it was my son’s kidney with his name on it saying that he was going to donate his kidney.”

Here is the message David wrote on Facebook to accompany the video:

“For 6 years my mother has suffered from kidney failure. Not just one but both. It wasn’t as bad at first as it got last year so I decided to get myself checked to see if i was a match. It turned out that I was and still am. As i was going through with the process i overthought about everything and started freaking out over the surgery and what might happen to me during surgery and after. There were so many big events in my personal life going on that It honestly freaked me out. I didn’t know much about it and to be honest we all thought she was going to pull through. About 2 months ago my mother started dialysis. Something she was trying to avoid but unfortunately couldn’t. It is the procedure that purifies her blood, this is what substitutes what a kidney is supposed to do. She goes 2-3 times a week in the morning for four hours each day. She then comes home drained, tired, and helpless and sleeps until 4-5 in the afternoon. This used to be a woman anyone looked up to. Don’t get wrong we all still do but this isn’t my mother. She was full of life. Worked her full time job to provide for her 5 children and husband. Now she has 3 beautiful grandchildren that she cries for because in her mind she won’t make it to see them grow up.

Seeing this made me realize that this woman gave everything for us , so it’s time to return the favor. Since I already knew I was a match I decided to go through the procedure again. YES! I am giving my mother a kidney. She is the most loving and caring person i know. Seeing her suffer breaks my heart and everyone’s around us. I decided to surprise her for Thanksgiving with the help of everyone that loves her. To let her know how thankful i am to have such a strong beautiful, loving, and caring mother like herself.

I Love You Mom! Stay Strong! You’re a fighter.”

The video has over 14k views on Facebook!


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