20 Of The Funniest Church Signs The Internet Has To Offer!

Nothing gives you a well-deserved smile like a funny sign. And churches have picked up on the trend of delivering hilarious messages to get the attention of passersby, and to possibly attract a few new worshippers. Well, the internet has picked up on the ‘funny church sign’ trend and here are some of the best we found!


1. Forbidden fruit…


2. Get to work…


3. Hell awaits…


4. Cure for insomnia…


5. Happy Sunday…


6. The missing piece…


7. Go Cubs!


8. Build your prayer muscles…


9. Oh God!


10. Brrrr….


11. Baptism by…towing?


12. Don’t have to be an expert…


13. What happens in church…


14. Stop it, really.


15. Holy water…


16. Sanctity…


17. Aye, matey…


18. The force is strong with Jesus…


19. He gave you the keys, use them…


20. Save your sanity…



Which sign is your favorite? Which one made you laugh the loudest? Let us know in the comments!

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