I can’t express enough how much we appreciate Firefighters and all the hard work they provide to our cites. You can see this beautiful labrador being saved from a freezing cold river in Ashington, Canada last Wednesday. He was being walked by a trusted dog walker up until he decided to release him from his leash so he could go for a swim. The dog walker claims Hardy is familiar with paddling in that same river and sometimes in the ocean. But both the Labrador and the walker were unaware that the river was partially frozen.
Unfortunately, the dog walker was unable to safely rescue the dog, who was stuck with his paws clinging on to the surface. So they called for fire rescue.
Inspector Miller spoke of how she rescued the animal with the help of firefighters and their rope.
She said: “I made sure I was securely fastened to the rope and started across the ice. As I got closer to Hardy I could hear him whimpering and I kept calling back to him to try and reassure the poor dog”.
“I managed to grab him by his scruff and help Hardy push himself up onto the ice. He must have been freezing because he didn’t hang around but scampered off towards his dog walker”.
Even after saving Hardy, the job didn’t stop there. Miller checked in on the pup after he went home to recover and eat a view sausage links to relax. She was glad to hear that Hardy was still healthy and he will be looked closely after when they have harsh weather in the future.
Thank you so much, Miller, for rescuing Hardy and for any other rescues you have done in the past year, we truly appreciate all your hard work.