Sarai Rodriguez-Miranda’s plan was to poison her 11-week-old niece.
(Photo: Allen County Police Department)
Her sister, the baby’s mother, kept bottles of breast milk in the fridge for feeding the newborn child. Rodriguez-Miranda’s plan was to crush up tablets of Excedrin and put them in the bottles. Luckily, the baby’s grandmother (Sarai Rodriguez-Miranda’s own mother), saw a series of harrowing messages on her daughter’s phone, tipping her off to the horrific plan.
The woman had texted “I put the stuff in a made bottle in the fridge,” she wrote. “Yeah I thought it was funny that I don’t have an ounce of guilt.”
The woman, then 18 years old, was apparently upset that her mother was allowing her brother and fiancé to live in the house. Rodriguez-Miranda shared a phone with her mother and used it to text her boyfriend. Rodriguez-Miranda’s mother went to the fridge to look at the bottles of milk, noticing that one bottle was darker-colored and had a circular, greenish-colored tinge at the bottom.
She also wrote, ““Why didn’t that baby die dude thats dumb. They definitely threw it out. …” Sarai had been complaining via text to her boyfriend about her own stomach and back pain. “Yeah and I thought for a sec it could be psychosomatic where my subconscious is guilty so it creates these pains” she wrote. “but tbh (to be honest) I hope she dies. I don’t feel bad about it bc she was destined to grow up (expletive) or be abused. I’d never be suspect I know but I hope it works.”
The grandmother then took the baby to the hospital for an evaluation, and then turned screenshots of her daughter’s texts and the bottles of milk over to the police. Then her daughter disappeared, remaining a fugitive from police for over a year. Luckily, she was recently found and arrested by police in Bay City, Michigan.
Let’s take a moment to thank the grandmother who did all she could to save her grandchild, even though it meant turning in her own daughter. Thankfully the baby was not harmed!