
Re purpose Your Empty Tissue Boxes Into Adorable Piggy Banks

These Kleenex Piggy Bank are brilliant fun to make and, once painted with bright colorsĀ and patterns, look fabulous in kids rooms. They’re also a great incentive to save up those pennies if you add a money slot afterward. Once full, they can be cut open and the contents counted and saved or spent! We made ours shaped like a pig, but you can experiment with making this in the shape of any animal you like!



  • Pink paper

  • Empty tissue box (square or rectangle will work)

  • 1 pink pipe cleaner

  • 2 googly eyes

  • 4 white cotton balls

  • Glue stick

  • Markers (dark pink and black)

  • Pencil

  • Clear tape

  • Xacto knife

  • White glue

  • 1 medium foam adhesive


  1. Trace kleenex box edges onto pink construction paper and cut

    out the pieces. With paper scraps cut out 2 ears and an oval for the snout.

  2. Glue the cut out construction paper pieces to the empty kleenex box using a glue stick.

  3. Using pink marker color in the middle portion of the ear and using glue stick adhere them to the top of the piggy banks face. Using black marker draw 2 dots for nostrils and adhere to piggy bank using foam adhesive.

  4. Using glue stick adhere googly eyes between snout and ears.

  5. Take a pipe cleaner and wrap it around a pencil and slide it off to create a curly tail. Gently push pipe cleaner tail through the back of the piggy bank.

  6. Using white glue, adhere cotton balls to the bottom of the piggy bank for legs.

  7. Cut a slit in the top for collecting change using an x-acto knife.

  8. You’re done! Time to get saving!


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