
Zap Your Zits with This Acne Face Mask

While our summer days are numbered, the blotchiness and dryness you’ve picked up from the sun along the way may, unfortunately, stick around. Although we love treating ourselves to a fancy salon facial, there are plenty of quick DIY versions that are much easier on our busy schedules—and wallets!

The bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar in this mask are powerful acne fighters, but they also heal and regenerate skin tissue, exfoliate, prevents blackheads, unclog pores, even out skin tone and leave skin silky soft. Seriously, can this mask get any better?


What You’ll Need:

  • 2 TBSP Bentonite Clay

  • 2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar


In a small bowl or container mix the bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar.


Apply the mask to your face and allow to dry for 10-20 minutes (10 minutes for sensitive skin). Once dry, just rinse it off with warm water.


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