Mom Tells Boy He Can Pick Any Animal at the Shelter. His Choice Surprises Her.

When people think of adopting a new pet, it’s hard not to imagine that pet being a cute, young kitten or adorable, energetic puppy. But there are older and less perfect animals who need new homes, too. So when young Easton, who had been told by his mom that he could pick any animal at the shelter, chose THIS cat, she was surprised to see his choice!



Easton picked Tiny, an older and rather large orange feline.

Tiny’s story is simple: he and his sibling Trinity were dropped off by an owner, who because of unforeseen circumstances was forced to bring them to the Exploits Valley SPCA shelter to find new homes. The cats weren’t bonded so the shelter was able to offer them up for adoption separately.

Tiny was referred to as “weight challenged” with a “round belly that he loves to have rubbed.” Tiny was described as having a chirpy purr that could get loud at times, and a loving personality.



Easton and Tiny bonded almost immediately! On their way home in the car, Tiny got out of his cage and snuggled with Easton lovingly. It was a match made in heaven.

If you’re considering adopting a pet in the future, remember that the older populations at shelters are usually the first to be euthanized. If you want to adopt, read up on the pros and cons of adopting an older cat. Older cats can be more calm, with established personalities and may already know how to use the litter and how to treat indoor furniture. A shelter will be able to tell you all about the cat’s behavior and history, how the cat gets along with other people, animals and children, and their health problems. With a kitten, you don’t necessarily know what you’re going to get!

You never know—a mature cat may be the perfect match!


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