Two Rescuers Searching During Flood Find Abandoned Puppies Within Minutes of Each Other

Pets are members of our families and we love them as dearly as we love each other, which is why it is so hard to see those who don’t treat their furry family members the way they deserve. Most stories of the recent hurricanes are of heroic deeds and happy endings, but some are of ruthless cruelty toward man’s best friend.

Back in 2016, historic rains and flash flooding wreaked havoc on Louisiana. One day Mike Anderson and Darrel Watson were working in a volunteer rescue group when they discovered 2 distressed puppies stranded in the waters for more than 16 hours.



The first encounter took place when they discovered a dog that had been abandoned by its owners. The waters were nearly overhead, and the poor pup was huddled on top of a pile of debris caught against a fence it was tied to! Then, to their shock and dismay, they found another pit bull abandoned and nearly drowned just a few houses down.



The dogs had been treading water and clinging to their fences for at least 16 hours. Watson and Anderson cut them loose and got them onto their rescue boats.

These volunteers found the dogs just in time. They took the dogs to a shelter, where they were examined by a veterinarian.

These storms are no laughing matter, they require preparation, and that includes preparation to evacuate with pets. Recent laws make it illegal to abandon pets during such events.

Thank goodness for these selfless volunteers, they rescued these two dogs and then immediately headed back out to see who else they could help.


Rescuing pit bulls too!! Darrell Watson act like he been bit before!!! #2016historicfloodlaJukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact – licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Posted by Mike Anderson on Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pit bull pup rescue. #2016historicfloodlaJukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact – licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Posted by Mike Anderson on Sunday, August 14, 2016

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