Garth Brooks Stops Concert After Seeing A Woman’s Sign in Crowd

Country singer Garth Brooks has many committed fans who would weather storms and long road trips to enjoy a show, but probably not many as committed as Theresa Shaw. Garth’s fan showed up at his Minneapolis show at the Target Center after receiving chemotherapy earlier that day.

Shaw, who had driven all the way from Iowa to see Friday’s show, has been battling stage 3 breast cancer and showed up to the concert with a sign reading “Chemo this morning, Garth tonight, Enjoying the dance.” As the singer began a touching song, he noticed Shaw’s sparkling sign. Sitting down directly in front of his fan, he continued singing and then held her hand!

At the end of his song, Brooks said “You have all my strength, you have everybody’s strength in here, and you go kick cancer’s a–!” and held up Theresa’s sign for all to see.

And as if that wasn’t sufficient to make us tear up, Garth gave the brave woman his guitar. The concert would have been special enough, but the fans got an extraordinary treat that night and were left cheering the singer’s words of encouragement and echoing his prayers for Theresa Shaw.

“To give away something like that is just remarkable,” Shaw said of the gifted instrument. “Now if I ever I have a bad day, I can always go look at his guitar and get inspiration.”

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