
You Won’t Believe the Benefits Essential Oils Have on Your Body!

Want to learn more about essential oils and how to use them?

Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits for cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions from long, soft, luxurious hair, to providing you with a peaceful, relaxing sleep, here some are some of the oils you should have on hand in your household.




1. Add 5 drops to your usual shampoo and massage the mixture into the scalp and hair.


1. Add a few drops of lemongrass to your tea to help detoxify and keep the body cleansed.


1. Apply to cuticles and nail beds to maintain healthy looking fingernails.

Tea tree

1. Apply some oil to the tip of a cotton swab and rub on the spot to clear up acne.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil to create a natural eczema treatment.


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